27th April 2024
With With reference to art. 1, paragraph c of the Notice of the 2024 Competition for Young Opera Singers, Teatro Lirico Sperimentale di Spoleto “A. Belli” , in order to cover vacant roles in the operas to be performed, can use singers selected through specific auditions. According to the applications presented the Institution can fix some days for auditions.
Following to many calls, the Teatro Lirico Sperimentale organizes
Free auditions
The auditions will take place on 26th aprile 2024
for singers who do not belong to the European Union countries and singers who are out of the age limits (see art. 1 of the Notice of the “European Community” Competition for Young Opera Singers 2023). Participants have to present two arias at their own choice from repertory operas and have to send by mail or e-mail (; to:
Istituzione Teatro Lirico Sperimentale di Spoleto “A. Belli” P.zza Garibaldi – Ex Caserma Minervio - 06049 Spoleto (PG) Italia
the following documents:
1. Application form with full personal information;
2. One passport-size photo and one full length photo;
3. Receipt of a Eur 50,00 bank transfer sent to: Istituzione Teatro Lirico Sperimentale di Spoleto “A. Belli” at Intesa San Paolo S.p.a. - Spoleto (PG) - Piazza Mentana, 4 - IBAN IT30 R030 6921 8111 000010003427; BIC: BCITITMM, reason for payment “Singing Competition admission fee”;4. Curriculum;
Accompanying pianists will be available for contestants. However contestants can be accompanied by a pianist of their choice at their own expenses.
Teatro Lirico Sperimentale will confirm each contestant’s participation and convocation by phone. The Institution will not be responsible for a possible non-reception of the e-mail. No travelling or board and lodging expenses will be reimbursed to the participants. Teatro Lirico Sperimentale, if necessary, reserves in its unquestionable opinion, the right to use the singers graded as suitable in vacant roles in the Opera Season 2023 or in other activities.
In case the Didactic-Artistica Direction decide to use the "eligible" singers, non-EU citizens or stateless must be in compliance with the residence permit and the study and/or work visa by the starting of training courses or opera production period.
ROME - SPOLETO: Motorway A1 to Orte; Junction-main road Orte-Terni-Spoleto;
BOLOGNA - SPOLETO: Motorway A1 Bologna-Florence-Valdichiana; Junction-main road S.S. N. 75 Bis; Valdichiana-Perugia.
Foligno junction; S.S. N. 3 Foligno-Spoleto.
S.S.N. 75 Perugia - Foligno; S.S. N. 3 Foligno - Spoleto.
ANCONA - SPOLETO: main road S.S. N. 76 Ancona - Gualdo Tadino; S.S. N. 3 Gualdo Tadino-Foligno-Spoleto.
ROME – SPOLETO: route Roma-Ancona for 141 Km.
ANCONA – SPOLETO: route Ancona-Roma for 146 Km.
BOLOGNA – FIRENZE – SPOLETO: route Bologna-Florence-Terontola-Foligno-Spoleto